Avocado Morning Boost Smoothie

WHAT? Somehow it's already the middle of May and avocados are looking even more beautiful than ever. It has been quite a while since I shared a smoothie recipe with you guys but, since we're all on the topic of our "Summer bodies", and because I've officially booked our vacation in Canada and found out that the hotel we're staying at has an insane rooftop pool, I've been trying to expand my health-conscious horizons.

Today marks my 23rd birthday and, although I won't be celebrating with one of these avocado smoothies (cupcakes and tequila is the obvious answer), one of my personal goals for 23 is to focus on my health and make "whole foods" a more essential part of my day to day diet. I'm really bad about eating my veggies so, unless I sneak a bit of spinach or leafy greens into my smoothies, the extent of this food group is essentially the crispy kale on my weekly California Pizza Kitchen pizza. Yikes. 

That being said, I surprisingly don't eat out often during the week, especially at the office. I generally opt for lara bars, grapes, and homemade wraps to keep things simple (and cheap!). But, last month when one of my co-workers brought me a Mango Avocado smoothie from a tiny cafe down the street, I found myself shockingly hooked from the first sip. After a few days of $7 smoothies for lunch and too many trips in the pouring rain (the weather. just ugh.), I decided that it was about time for me to master the recipe myself from home. 


  • 1/3 pitted avocado
  • 1 peeled fresh mango, cut into quarters (can substitute frozen mango pieces)
  • 1/2 cup fresh spinach
  • 1 tb organic honey
  • 1/2 cup soy milk (or almond milk)
  • handful of ice cubes


  1. Place the scooped avocado, mango pieces, spinach, honey, soy milk, and ice cubes in a blender. 
  2. Blend on high for 2-3 minutes until smooth and creamy. 
  3. Pour into glass and enjoy! Top with a little extra drizzle of honey if you're feeling fancy :)

Besides avocado, this morning boost smoothie is made up of fresh mango, spinach, soy milk, and honey. As much as I love avocados, I don't typically want to drink it in liquid form but, I promise you the other flavors and fruity goodness overpower the avocado taste in this smoothie. All the while still getting that healthy dose of fats and using up the almost-too-ripe avocados in your pantry. Sounds like a win-win to me. 

Have you tried an avocado smoothie before? Let me know your take on this recipe in the comments below! Tag me in your #morningboost on Instagram or Facebook. 

xo Anna Elizabeth